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Transforming Healthcare Efficiency: SANJEEVANI
Your Trusted Partner in Hospital Management Solutions!

Multi-dimensional hospital management software beyond your imagination which provide truly world class service and features.

Transforming Healthcare Efficiency: SANJEEVANI
Your Trusted Partner in Hospital Management Solutions!

Result oriented and user friendly software helps deliver most efficient healthcare delivery for doctors, clinics and hospitals.


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Revolutionizing Hospital Management for Enhanced Patient Care

Discover Sanjeevani, an innovative hospital management software designed to streamline operations and elevate patient care. With intuitive features tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare facilities, Sanjeevani simplifies administrative tasks, enhances communication between staff members, and optimizes resource allocation. From patient registration to billing and beyond, our comprehensive platform empowers healthcare professionals to focus on what matters most – delivering quality care. Experience efficiency, accuracy, and improved outcomes with Sanjeevani at the heart of your hospital management.

Experience the transformative power of SP Infocom's Sanjeevani, a comprehensive software suite meticulously crafted to enhance clinical care quality and streamline hospital management. From in-depth clinical process analysis to precise activity-based costing, Sanjeevani redefines healthcare efficiency, ensuring optimal patient outcomes and operational excellence.

Unlocking Efficiency and Excellence: Key Benefits of Sanjeevani

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- Designed By Doctors, Developed By Experts.



The Appointment Module within Sanjeevani is designed to streamline and optimize the appointment scheduling process for both healthcare providers and patients.

  • Resource Allocation: Hospital can efficiently manage their schedules and allocate resources such as examination rooms, equipment, and support staff according to appointment bookings. This helps optimize clinic workflow and minimize wait times.
  • Real-Time Availability Updates: The system provides real-time updates on appointment availability, allowing patients to view open slots and make bookings accordingly. This reduces scheduling conflicts and ensures accurate appointment planning.
  • Patient Prioritization: Hospital can prioritize appointments based on urgency, patient condition, or specific criteria defined by the hospital. This ensures that critical cases receive timely attention and resources are allocated effectively.
  • Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR): Appointment data seamlessly integrates with the hospital's EHR system, providing healthcare providers with access to patient medical history, treatment plans, and other relevant information during appointments.

Overall, the Appointment Module empowers hospitals to efficiently manage appointment scheduling processes, enhance patient experience, and optimize resource utilization, ultimately improving operational efficiency and patient satisfaction.

OPD Management


The Outpatient Department (OPD) Module in Sanjeevani is a comprehensive solution tailored to streamline and enhance the management of outpatient services within hospitals and healthcare facilities. Here's an overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Patient Registration: Streamlined patient registration processes allow for quick and accurate capture of patient demographics, contact information, medical history, and insurance details. This information is securely stored and easily accessible for future appointments and consultations.
  • Consultation and Examination: Healthcare providers can access patient records, including medical history, diagnostic reports, and treatment plans, during consultations. The module supports documentation of consultation notes, examination findings, and prescribed medications, ensuring comprehensive and personalized care delivery.
  • Billing and Payment: Integrated billing functionality allows for seamless processing of outpatient services, including consultation fees, diagnostic tests, medications, and other charges. Patients receive transparent and itemized bills, and various payment options are supported for convenience.
  • Prescription Management: Healthcare providers can generate electronic prescriptions for medications, laboratory tests, and imaging studies directly within the system. The module supports drug database integration, allergy and drug interaction checks, and prescription printing for patient convenience.
  • Follow-up Management: The OPD module enables easy scheduling and tracking of follow-up appointments for patients, ensuring continuity of care and timely monitoring of treatment outcomes. Automated reminders can be sent to patients to encourage appointment adherence.
  • Referral Management: In cases where specialized care or additional services are required, the module facilitates seamless referral management between different departments or healthcare facilities. Referral notes, diagnostic reports, and other relevant information can be shared electronically to expedite the referral process.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools provide insights into OPD performance metrics, including patient volumes, consultation durations, revenue generation, and service utilization. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and optimization of OPD operations.
  • Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR): The OPD module seamlessly integrates with the hospital's EHR system, allowing for centralized access to patient health information across departments. This integration ensures continuity of care, reduces duplication of efforts, and enhances clinical decision-making.

Overall, the OPD Module in Sanjeevani empowers healthcare providers to deliver efficient, high-quality outpatient services while improving patient satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue generation.

IPD Management


The Inpatient Department (IPD) Module within Sanjeevani is a robust solution designed to streamline and optimize the management of inpatient services within hospitals and healthcare facilities. Here's an overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Admission and Discharge Management: The IPD module facilitates seamless admission and discharge processes for inpatients. It includes features for capturing patient demographics, insurance information, and medical history upon admission, as well as generating discharge summaries and instructions upon discharge.
  • Bed Management: Efficient bed management functionality allows hospital staff to monitor bed occupancy, availability, and status in real-time. The module supports bed allocation based on patient needs, specialty requirements, and room preferences, ensuring optimal utilization of resources.
  • Ward and Room Assignment: Patients are assigned to appropriate wards and rooms based on their medical condition, treatment requirements, and other relevant factors. The module supports flexible assignment rules and prioritizes patient comfort and safety.
  • Physician Orders and Treatment Plans: Physicians can electronically prescribe medications, diagnostic tests, and treatments within the system. The module supports order sets, protocols, and clinical pathways to standardize care delivery and improve patient outcomes.
  • Clinical Documentation: Comprehensive clinical documentation features allow healthcare providers to record patient assessments, progress notes, and medical interventions electronically. The module supports structured templates, and image attachments for accurate and efficient documentation.
  • Consultation and Referral Management: Inpatient consultations and referrals to specialty services are facilitated through the IPD module. Referral notes, diagnostic reports, and treatment plans can be shared electronically between healthcare providers to coordinate care effectively.
  • Billing and Insurance Management: Integrated billing functionality allows for accurate and timely processing of inpatient charges, including room and board, procedures, medications, and other services. The module supports insurance verification, claims submission, and reimbursement tracking for financial transparency and compliance.

Overall, the IPD Module in Sanjeevani empowers hospitals to deliver efficient, patient-centered inpatient care while optimizing resource utilization, clinical outcomes, and revenue generation.

Pathology Management


The Pathology Module within Sanjeevani is a comprehensive solution tailored to streamline and enhance the management of pathology services within hospitals and diagnostic laboratories. Here's an overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Sample Collection and Tracking: The module facilitates the efficient collection, labeling, and tracking of patient specimens, including blood, urine, tissue, and other biological samples.
  • Test Ordering and Requisition: Healthcare providers can electronically order pathology tests and requisitions within the system, specifying test types, priorities, and clinical indications. Customizable test panels and profiles streamline test selection and ordering processes.
  • Result Reporting and Delivery: Pathology results are generated electronically and delivered to healthcare providers through the system. The module supports customizable report formats, result interpretation, and clinical correlations to facilitate informed decision-making and patient management.
  • Interoperability and Integration: The Pathology Module seamlessly integrates with other clinical systems, including electronic health records (EHRs), billing systems, and referral networks. This facilitates data exchange, care coordination, and continuity of patient care across healthcare settings.
  • Inventory and Reagent Management: Inventory management features allow laboratories to track and manage reagents, consumables, and supplies used in pathology testing. Automated reordering and stock level monitoring ensure uninterrupted laboratory operations and minimize waste.
  • Referral Management: In cases where specialized care or additional services are required, the module facilitates seamless referral management between different departments or healthcare facilities. Referral notes, diagnostic reports, and other relevant information can be shared electronically to expedite the referral process.

Overall, the Pathology Module in Sanjeevani empowers laboratories to deliver accurate, timely, and high-quality pathology services while optimizing workflow efficiency, quality assurance, and patient care outcomes.

Radiology Management


The Radiology Module within Sanjeevani is a sophisticated solution designed to streamline and enhance the management of radiology services within hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers. Here's an overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Imaging Order Management: Healthcare providers can electronically order various radiology imaging studies, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and mammograms, directly within the system. Orders can be prioritized based on clinical urgency and indication.
  • Report Generation and Distribution: Radiology reports are generated electronically within the system and distributed to referring physicians and healthcare providers. The module supports customizable report templates, voice dictation, and structured reporting for efficiency and consistency.
  • Image Storage and Archiving: The module provides secure storage and archiving of radiology images and reports within the PACS. Images are stored in compliance with regulatory requirements and can be accessed remotely for review, comparison, and consultation.
  • Billing and Reimbursement: Integrated billing functionality allows for accurate and timely processing of radiology charges, including procedure codes, modifiers, and insurance billing. The module supports insurance verification, claims submission, and revenue cycle management.
  • Referral Management: In cases where specialized care or additional services are required, the module facilitates seamless referral management between different departments or healthcare facilities. Referral notes, diagnostic reports, and other relevant information can be shared electronically to expedite the referral process.

Overall, the Radiology Module in Sanjeevani empowers healthcare organizations to deliver efficient, high-quality radiology services while optimizing workflow efficiency, diagnostic accuracy, and patient care outcomes.

Pharmacy Management


The Pharmacy Module within Sanjeevani is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and optimize the management of pharmacy services within hospitals and healthcare facilities. Here's an overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Medication Dispensing: Pharmacists can efficiently dispense medications prescribed by healthcare providers to inpatients and outpatients. The module supports barcode scanning, medication verification, and automated dispensing processes to ensure accuracy and patient safety.
  • Inventory Management: The Pharmacy Module includes features for managing pharmacy inventory, including medication stock levels, expiration dates, and replenishment orders. Automated inventory tracking and reordering ensure adequate stock availability and minimize stockouts.
  • Formulary Management: Hospitals can establish and maintain a formulary of approved medications within the system. The module supports formulary restrictions, therapeutic substitutions, and cost-effective medication management strategies to optimize drug utilization and minimize costs.
  • Prescription Management: The Pharmacy Module facilitates electronic prescription processing and dispensing for outpatient medications.
  • Billing and Insurance Processing: Integrated billing functionality allows for seamless processing of pharmacy charges, including medication costs, dispensing fees, and insurance billing. The module supports insurance verification, claims submission, and reimbursement tracking.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools provide insights into pharmacy performance metrics, including medication dispensing volumes, inventory turnover rates, cost trends, and adherence to formulary guidelines. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and optimization of pharmacy operations.

Overall, the Pharmacy Module in Sanjeevani empowers pharmacists to deliver efficient, safe, and high-quality pharmacy services while optimizing medication management, inventory control, and patient outcomes.

TPA Management


The Third-Party Administrator (TPA) Module within Sanjeevani facilitates the seamless management of insurance claims and billing processes for patients covered under third-party health insurance policies. Here's a brief overview of the functionalities offered by this module:

  • Billing Integration: Integrates with the hospital's billing system to generate accurate and timely invoices for services rendered to insured patients, including co-payments and deductibles.
  • Reimbursement Management: Facilitates the reconciliation and reimbursement of insurance claims payments, ensuring that hospitals receive timely and accurate payments from third-party insurance companies.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Provides reporting and analytics capabilities to analyze insurance claims data, identify trends, and optimize revenue cycle management processes.

Overall, the TPA Module in Sanjeevani helps hospitals and healthcare facilities streamline insurance claims processing, improve revenue cycle management, and enhance the patient billing experience for insured individuals.

OT Management


The Operating Theatre (OT) Module in Sanjeevani is a specialized solution designed to optimize the management of surgical procedures and operating theatre resources within hospitals and healthcare facilities. Here's an overview of the key functionalities offered by this module:

  • Surgical Schedule Management: Allows surgical coordinators to efficiently manage the scheduling of surgical procedures, including elective surgeries, emergency cases, and block time allocations for surgeons.
  • Operating Theatre Booking: Streamlines the booking of operating theatres, surgical equipment, and support staff required for scheduled surgical procedures, ensuring optimal utilization of theatre resources.
  • Surgeon and Anesthesia Allocation: Facilitates the assignment of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and operating theatre personnel to specific surgical cases based on availability, specialty, and patient needs.
  • Preoperative Assessment: Supports preoperative assessment processes, including patient evaluations, medical history reviews, and surgical consent documentation, to ensure patient readiness for surgery.
  • Equipment and Instrument Management: Manages the availability, sterilization, and maintenance of surgical instruments, equipment, and supplies required for surgical procedures, minimizing delays and ensuring patient safety.
  • Intraoperative Documentation: Enables surgical teams to electronically document intraoperative details, including procedure notes, surgical counts, intraoperative findings, and anesthesia records, in real-time.
  • Resource Optimization: Provides analytics and reporting capabilities to analyze operating theatre utilization, surgical case volumes, turnaround times, and resource allocation, enabling optimization of surgical workflow and efficiency.
  • Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR): Seamlessly integrates with the hospital's EHR system to access patient medical records, laboratory results, imaging studies, and medication lists relevant to surgical care.

Overall, the OT Module in Sanjeevani empowers hospitals and surgical teams to streamline surgical workflow, enhance patient safety, and improve operational efficiency within the operating theatre environment.

Inventory Management


The Inventory Module within Sanjeevani offers comprehensive management functionalities for various inventory types, including hospital items, laundry items, maintenance supplies, and equipment. Here's a breakdown of the key features and functionalities tailored to each inventory category:

Laundry Items Management:
  • Linen Inventory: Tracks inventory of linens, uniforms, and other laundry items used within the hospital or healthcare facility.
  • Laundry Cycles: Manages laundry processing cycles, including collection, washing, drying, folding, and distribution, to ensure availability of clean and hygienic linens.
  • Quality Control: Monitors laundry quality standards, including cleanliness, fabric condition, and compliance with infection control protocols.
Issue to Floor:
  • Floor Stock Management: Facilitates the distribution and replenishment of inventory items to various hospital floors and departments, such as nursing units, operating theatres, and clinics.
  • Par Level Management: Sets par levels for floor stock items based on usage patterns and demand forecasts, optimizing inventory levels and minimizing stockouts.
  • Usage Tracking: Tracks usage and consumption of floor stock items by department or unit, providing insights into resource utilization and demand patterns.
Maintenance Supplies and Equipment:
  • Maintenance Inventory: Tracks inventory of maintenance supplies, spare parts, and equipment components required for facility maintenance and repairs.
  • Preventive Maintenance Scheduling: Facilitates scheduling and tracking of preventive maintenance tasks for equipment and facilities, ensuring compliance with maintenance schedules and regulatory requirements.
AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) and Insurance:
  • Contract Management: Manages contracts with vendors and service providers for annual maintenance contracts (AMCs) and insurance coverage for equipment and facilities.
  • Renewal Tracking: Tracks contract renewal dates, insurance coverage periods, and warranty expirations, facilitating timely renewal and coverage updates.

Overall, the Inventory Module in Sanjeevani enables hospitals and healthcare facilities to effectively manage inventory across various categories, ensuring availability of essential supplies, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing operational disruptions.

Billing Management


The Billing Module within Sanjeevani offers comprehensive functionalities to streamline and optimize the billing processes within hospitals and healthcare facilities. Here's an overview of the key features and functionalities offered by this module:

Patient Billing:
  • Generates itemized bills for services rendered to patients, including consultations, diagnostic tests, medications, procedures, and hospital stays.
  • Captures patient demographic information, insurance details, and billing preferences for accurate billing and reimbursement.
  • Automatically generates invoices and statements for patient accounts, detailing charges, payments, adjustments, and outstanding balances.
  • Customizes invoice formats, layouts, and branding elements to meet organizational and regulatory requirements.

Overall, the Billing Module in Sanjeevani empowers hospitals and healthcare organizations to optimize revenue capture, improve billing accuracy, and enhance financial performance while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and patient billing preferences.

Nursing Management


The Nursing Module within Sanjeevani is a specialized solution designed to streamline and optimize nursing workflows, enhance patient care, and improve communication among nursing staff and other healthcare providers. Here's an overview of the key features and functionalities offered by this module:

Patient Admission and Assessment:
  • Facilitates the admission process by capturing patient demographic information, medical history, and initial assessments.
  • Enables nurses to conduct comprehensive nursing assessments, including vital signs, pain assessment, and functional status evaluations.
Medication Administration:
  • Facilitates safe and accurate medication administration through electronic medication administration records (eMAR).
  • Provides real-time access to patient medication orders, dosage instructions, and administration schedules.
  • Supports barcode scanning and medication verification processes to prevent medication errors and enhance patient safety.
Care Coordination:
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration among nursing staff, physicians, and other members of the healthcare team.
  • Enables nurses to communicate care plans, patient updates, and critical information through secure messaging and electronic communication tools.
Discharge Planning:
  • Assists nurses in discharge planning processes by coordinating post-discharge care services, referrals, and follow-up appointments.
  • Supports patient and caregiver education on discharge instructions, medication management, and self-care responsibilities.

Overall, the Nursing Module in Sanjeevani empowers nurses to deliver safe, effective, and patient-centered care while enhancing collaboration, communication, and clinical documentation processes within healthcare settings.



The Medical Records Department (MRD) Module within Sanjeevani is designed to streamline the management of patient medical records, ensuring accurate, secure, and efficient handling of vital health information. Here's a detailed overview of the features and functionalities offered by this module:

  • Secure Record Storage: Digitally archives patient records with robust encryption and role-based access control, protecting sensitive information and ensuring only authorized personnel can access or modify records.
  • Efficient Record Retrieval: Offers advanced search functionalities for quick and easy retrieval of patient records based on various criteria, improving efficiency and reducing wait times.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Facilitates thorough documentation of patient medical history, treatment plans, and progress notes, integrating seamlessly with other Sanjeevani modules for up-to-date information.
  • Real-Time Updates: Allows for real-time updates and amendments to patient records, maintaining accuracy and current information, with an audit trail for accountability.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA, and provides robust reporting tools for generating detailed compliance and administrative reports.

The MRD Module in Sanjeevani enhances patient care, boosts operational efficiency, and maintains high levels of data security and regulatory compliance.

Human Resources


The Human Resources (HR) Module within Sanjeevani is designed to streamline and optimize HR management processes in healthcare facilities, ensuring efficient handling of staff recruitment, payroll, performance, and compliance:

  • Employee Records Management: Securely stores and manages comprehensive employee records, including personal details, employment history, certifications, and performance evaluations.
  • Payroll and Benefits Administration: Automates payroll processing, ensuring accurate and timely salary disbursements. Manages employee benefits, including health insurance, leave balances, and retirement plans.
  • Attendance and Scheduling: Monitors employee attendance, leave requests, and shift scheduling. Integrates with biometric systems for accurate timekeeping and attendance tracking.

The HR Module in Sanjeevani enhances the efficiency of HR operations, improves employee satisfaction, and ensures compliance with regulatory standards, making it an essential tool for healthcare facility management.

Accounts Module


The Accounts Module within Sanjeevani is designed to streamline financial management in healthcare facilities, ensuring accurate and efficient handling of all financial transactions, reporting, and compliance.:

  • Financial Accounting: Manages all financial transactions, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Supports double-entry accounting and maintains a detailed general ledger.
  • Accounts Payable and Receivable: Automates the management of accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR), including invoice processing, vendor payments, and customer billing.
  • Payroll Integration: Integrates seamlessly with the HR Module to ensure accurate payroll processing, including salary disbursements, tax calculations, and benefits administration.
  • Financial Reporting: Provides robust reporting tools to generate comprehensive financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Customizable reports help in financial analysis and decision-making.

The Accounts Module in Sanjeevani enhances the financial transparency and efficiency of healthcare facilities, ensuring accurate financial management, regulatory compliance, and informed decision-making.

CSSD Module


The Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) Module within Sanjeevani is designed to ensure the efficient and effective management of sterilization processes, inventory control, and distribution of sterile supplies in healthcare facilities.:

The CSSD Module in Sanjeevani optimizes the sterilization processes, enhances the efficiency of sterile supply management, and ensures the highest standards of infection control in healthcare facilities.

Reports Module


The Reports Module within Sanjeevani is designed to provide comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling healthcare facilities to monitor performance, make informed decisions, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.:

  • Real-Time Analytics: Provides real-time data analysis, offering up-to-date information on various aspects of hospital operations, from patient care to financial performance.
  • Financial Reports: Generates detailed financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, cash flow reports, and budget variance analysis, helping in financial planning and management.
  • Clinical Reports: Offers comprehensive clinical reporting, including patient outcomes, treatment efficacy, infection control statistics, and other key performance indicators related to patient care.
  • Operational Reports: Tracks and reports on hospital operations, including bed occupancy rates, appointment schedules, departmental performance, and resource utilization.
  • Dashboards: Provides interactive dashboards with visual representations of key metrics and trends, enabling quick assessment and decision-making. Dashboards can be customized for different user roles and preferences.
  • Data Export: Allows exporting of reports in various formats (PDF, Excel, CSV) for easy sharing, presentation, and further analysis.

The Reports Module in Sanjeevani empowers healthcare facilities with the tools needed to gain valuable insights, improve performance, and maintain compliance, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and operational efficiency.

Mobile App


The Sanjeevani Mobile App is designed to provide seamless access to healthcare services and management tools on the go. It enhances the convenience and efficiency of healthcare operations for both patients and healthcare providers.:

Patient Access:
  • Appointment Scheduling: Allows patients to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments with ease. Provides reminders and notifications to reduce no-shows.
  • Medical Records: Enables patients to access their medical records, lab results, and treatment history securely from their mobile devices.
  • Medication Management: Provides medication reminders and allows patients to view their prescription history and dosage instructions.
Provider Access:
  • Patient Management: Allows healthcare providers to view patient records, update treatment plans, and monitor patient progress from anywhere.
  • Scheduling and Calendar: Enables doctors and staff to manage their schedules, view appointment details, and receive notifications about upcoming appointments.
Administrative Functions:
  • Billing and Payments: Supports secure billing and payment processing, allowing patients to pay for services and view billing statements through the app.
  • Notifications and Alerts: Sends important notifications and alerts to patients and healthcare providers about appointments, test results, and health reminders.
Security and Compliance:
  • Data Security: Ensures that all patient and provider data is encrypted and securely stored, complying with healthcare regulations
  • User Authentication: Implements robust user authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

The Sanjeevani Mobile App enhances the accessibility and efficiency of healthcare services, providing a convenient and secure platform for managing healthcare needs on the go.

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